Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mackenzie Fox's Bad Jokes and Pickup Lines for Super Specific Scenarios

Q: What do you call the leader of a citrus army?
A: A commanderin' orange.

Q: Why did the Care-Bear need a respirator?
A: He was too Care-asthmatic.

Pickup Line (Math Competition): So, for one reason or another your hanging 'round at a battle of the mathematically elite when, suddenly, someone peeks your interest and the next thing you know, you're standing in front of this person starting a conversation. However, you soon find out that you need to go, but you wanna leave in style. So, you turn to this person, look 'em in the eyes and say, "Hey, I gotta go, but I'll calc-you-later." Then walk off. Great success.

Horrible Pickup Line (Abandoned Road): The sun has just set as you walk down the abandoned, dirt road after a long day of old school lumber-jacking. Your ax is slung over your shoulder, clearly visible. You see that someone's car has broken down. Being the good citizen that you are, you approach the car to see if you can help. You tap on the window. There is a pause and then it rolls down. As you see the person inside, your interest is immediately peeked. At this moment, simply say, "Wow. You're so good looking that if I was a psychotic ax-murderer, I would save you for last." Then laugh loudly and deeply to show that you're both a friendly and jolly lumberjack. Not usually successful, likelihood of being attacked and/or arrested significantly increased.


Perfectly Normal Beast said...

How about Mackenzie Fox's list of super specific pick-up lines?

Mackenzie Fox said...

So it is asked for and so it shall be...

Perfectly Normal Beast said...

So beautiful. The lines are only half the fun; the huge lead up required to use the pickup line is fantastic.
Good on you.