Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mao Competition Pun List

This is the insane list of options Henry, Brian, and I put together as possibilities for me to create. It's kind of amazing what we came up with. And scary...

Those in Bold are my personal favorites:
  1. Nelson Maondella
  2. The Maoverick (Sarah Palin)
  3. Maohandas Ghandi
  4. Maoled By a Bear
  5. Maoce Windu
  6. Maogikarp
  7. The Chairman (aka from Iron Chef)
  8. Mao Magazine
  9. Romao and Juliet
  10. Darth Maol
  11. Hitmaolee
  12. Hitmaochan
  13. Metamaophosis (the novel by Kafka)
  14. Praying Maontis
  15. Maorriage
  16. Womaon
  17. Boomaorang
  18. Maocintosh Computer
  19. Submaorine
  20. Maowth
  21. Hermaonie Granger
  22. Maonky
  23. Tomaoto
  24. Maongo
  25. The United States of Amaoica
  26. Bomaor Man
  27. The Blue Mao Group
  28. Batmaon
  29. Maoth Busters
  30. Sarumaon
  31. Gimaoli
  32. Gollumao
  33. Mad-Eye Maody
  34. Mao-Eye Moody
  35. Admaoral Ackbar
  36. Maont Dooku
  37. Pokemaon
  38. Dongtrio
  39. Cats and Dongs
  40. Dong, a Man's Best Friend
  41. Ka-Mao-Kazi
  42. Great Dong of China
  43. King Dong
  44. Donkey Dong
  45. Funky Dong
  46. Ganondong
  47. Maodkip
  48. Char-mao-dong
  49. Char-ze-dong
  50. Landong Calrissian
  51. Mao's Dong
  52. "I'm using my Pokedong to learn about Dongtrio"
  53. Live Dong and Prosper
  54. Spanish Armaodong
  55. Maonty Python
  56. Where all mao dongs at?
  57. Everyone runs on Dongkins
  58. Ima Chargin Mao Lazor!!!!11!!1
  59. Dongasaurs
  60. Dongzilla versus Maothra
  61. lmao (get it? l-MAO?)
  62. Maonsoon Rains: "Hallelujah it's rainin' Mao"


Perfectly Normal Beast said...

I'm so conflicted as to what to think of this. Well either way I'm sure the PRC government has officially removed our Chinese demographic.

Perfectly Normal Beast said...

Yep, according to we are blocked in the majority of mainland China. Huh imagine that. Well technically all blogger sites are blocked but that's merely a technicality.